The present Agreement represents an official offer (public offer) on behalf of the legal person UNILEVEL CAPITAL LIMITED (Reg.No.: ICC20160780; The Bayswater Tower, Level 18, un.1812 Business Bay Dubai UAE; Islamic Bank of Emirates IBAN: AE880340003528175738102; Account: 3528175738102; SWIFT: MEBLAEAD; Bank Address: 6564 AL YOUSUF TOWER DUBAI;) (hereinafter – the “Provider”) to any physical or legal person (hereinafter the “Client”), which shall accept the present offer on the terms indicated hereinunder.

Public offer, Privacy Policy, and Consent concerning the handling of personal information represent the official documentation of the Provider and can be found on the website: of Service, hosted on the website of the Provider, they represent the annexes to the present Agreement. The services shall be carried out in a manner defined by the present document, with free access location on the Internet at the address: offer address. Carrying out the actions for the purpose of executing the indicated conditions of the Agreement (in particular, remuneration for the services) shall be deemed an accept (acceptance) of the offer. At the same time, the Agreement shall be deemed concluded without signature in each particular case, as the accept of the offer shall be equated with the conclusion of the agreement on the conditions indicated hereinunder. The time of the transfer of remuneration on the operating account of the Provider with the condition of the Provider receiving the application for the Service from the Client through the website of the Provider and paying the formulated accounts shall be deemed the time of the conclusion of the present Agreement.


1.1. For the purpose of the present Agreement, the terms and definitions presented hereinunder shall have the following meaning:


2.1. The subject of the Agreement is the carrying out by the Provider of the total of remunerable services according to the cost, which depends on the region of the provision of the Services, as well as additional Services in the area of information-communication technologies, related to the provision to the Client of the services of communication and transmission of the voice information and technical instruments for carrying out of the voice calls, collection of analytical and statistical data and so on and so forth on the conditions of the Agreement.

2.2. The Provider carries out the Services remotely, via the use of the World Wide Web Internet and other means of electrocommunication and telecommunication, software and databases of the Provider.

2.3. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Provider shall take responsibility to provide at the first request to the Client the delivery in the size and volume, within the Reporting Period, while the Client shall take responsibility to pay the cost of the Provider’s Services.


3.1. Recognition, adherence to, and usage by the parties of the requirements and provisions stipulated in the following documentation shall be the binding conditions for the provision of the Services by the Provider to the Client pursuant to the Agreement:

3.2. The provider shall commence the provision of the Services only in the conditions of the total preliminary fulfillment of the following conditions by the Client:


4.1. The cost of the Provider’s Services, titles of the services, and possible means of remuneration shall be published on the Website.

4.2. The Cost of the Services shall be indicated taking into account all possible taxes.

4.3. The remuneration for the Services pursuant to the present Agreement shall be carried out on the basis of one hundred percent forward payment and with the rule established by the present Agreement.

4.4. A different rule for remuneration may be possible pursuant to the conditions of carrying out discounts (special offers), as well as in the cases agreed additionally with the Provider.

4.5. The remuneration for the Provider’s Services shall be carried out with one of the following means:

4.6. The Provider cannot change the cost of the remunerated services for a specific Client in the cases when the Client already accepted the conditions of the Provider and carried out remuneration for the Services pursuant to the rule stipulated by the present Agreement.

4.7. The receipt of the money on the operational account of the Provider shall be deemed the moment of remuneration for the Services.

4.8. The Client is independently responsible for the accuracy of the payments undertaken.

4.9. The Services shall be provided in total volume in the conditions of their total remuneration by the Client.


5.1. The Provider shall be obliged to:

5.2. The Provider shall have the right to:

5.3. The Client shall be obliged to:

5.4. The Client shall have the right to:


6.1. Selecting and using the form/means of remuneration for the Services shall be carried out by the Client at sole discretion. Security, confidentiality, as well as other conditions of use of the means/forms of remuneration selected by the Client, transcend the scope of the concluded Agreement and shall be regulated by the deals (agreements) between the Client and relevant organizations, carrying out the receipt and service of the payments. The indicated commissions and other payments shall be paid by the Client independently at its own expense.

6.2. The Provider shall in no circumstances bear any responsibility within the scope of providing the Services for:

6.3. The Provider’s responsibility shall be limited to the provisions of the Agreement.

6.4. The Client shall bear responsibility pursuant to the norms of international contract law, as well as the laws of the state, where the registration of the legal person was carried out or where the place of residence of the physical person is indicated.


7.1. Neither of the parties shall bear responsibility before another for the failure to fulfill the obligations under the Present Agreement, defined by the circumstances of superior force, i.e. extraordinary and unavoidable in the given condition circumstances, emerged beyond the control of the Parties and which cannot be anticipated or avoided, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockade, embargo, fires, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters, as well as the issuance of the acts of state institutions.

7.2. The Party that is unable to fulfill its obligations as a result of superior force, shall immediately inform the other Party of such circumstances and their impact on the fulfillment of the obligations under the Agreement.

7.3. If the circumstances of superior force carry on throughout three consecutive months, the present Agreement can be canceled by any of the Parties with the means of sending a written notice to the other Party.


8.1. The disputes concerning or in connection with the Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between them.

8.2. The claims shall be sent within 10 (ten) days from the moment of the emergence of the controversial issue, via electronic transmission to the electronic addresses of the Parties.

8.3. In case of the impossibility of resolving controversies via negotiations, they shall be subject to court proceedings in the court of general jurisdiction based on the location of the Client.


9.1. The Parties shall bear responsibility to keep secret, neither disclose nor publish or provide by any other means Confidential information to any third parties without the prior written consent of the providing Party.

9.2. The obligation to keep Confidential information in secret shall not be extended to the information, which:

9.3. The obligation to keep Confidential information secret pursuant to the provisions of the present section shall enter into force at the moment of the Accept of the Offer and shall be valid for 3 (three) years from the date of the annulment (expiry of the validity of the Agreement).


10.1. If one of the Parties changes its contact information or other requisites, it shall be obliged to inform the other Party promptly.

10.2. The Client shall not have unclear issues concerning the substance of the Agreement at the moment of its acceptance until its next update or the expiry of its validity.

10.3. The Provider shall take the obligation to keep the confidentiality of the personal data of the Client. Parallel to the above-mentioned consent on the processing of personal data, the Client shall also give its full consent on receiving messages from the Provider through email or SMS, including messages of promotional nature.

10.4. The present Agreement is in itself a complete arrangement between the Client and the Provider. The Provider and the Client shall take the obligation to fulfill the provisions of the Agreement only within the scope indicated under the present Agreement.

10.5. The present Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of the Accept and shall be valid until the moment of the fulfillment of the obligations by the parties.



Reg.No.: ICC20160780

The Bayswater Tower, Level 18, un.1812 Business Bay Dubai UAE

Islamic Bank of Emirates

IBAN: AE880340003528175738102

Account: 3528175738102


Bank Address: 6564 AL YOUSUF TOWER DUBAI


The user, filling in the application on the Internet site, accepts the present Consent on the processing of personal data (hereinafter – the Consent). Acting freely, consciously, and in his/her own interest, as well as approving his/her legal capability, the User gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data with the following conditions:


The present document shall define the policy of UNILEVEL CAPITAL LIMITED (Reg.No.: ICC20160780; The Bayswater Tower, Level 18, un.1812 Business Bay Dubai UAE; Islamic Bank of Emirates IBAN: AE880340003528175738102; Account: 3528175738102; SWIFT: MEBLAEAD; Bank Address: 6564 AL YOUSUF TOWER DUBAI;) (hereinafter – the “Provider/Operator”) in the area of processing personal data (hereinafter – the Policy). The Policy shall extend to all personal data, which the Provider may acquire from the subject of personal data (hereinafter – the User) with the means of the Website owned by the Provider, which is located at the address: (hereinafter – the Website).

The use of the Website shall indicate the unconditional consent of the User to the Policy. The User (subject of personal data) shall cease the use of the Website in case of disagreement with the Policy.

The present Policy defines the order of processing personal data and measures for the provision of security of personal data for the purpose of protecting Human Rights and Freedoms and a citizen’s Rights and Freedoms in the process of processing his/her personal data, including the protection of the rights to inviolability of personal life, personal and a family secret.


1.1. For the purpose of the present Policy, the terms and definitions indicated hereinunder shall have the following meaning:


2.1. Processing of personal data at the Operator’s shall be carried out on the basis of the following principles: legality and fair basis; limiting the processing of personal data with the attainment of specific, preliminarily defined and legal aims; inadmissibility of processing of personal data incompatible with the aims of data collection; inadmissibility of merging databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out with the aims inconsistent with each other; processing of only those personal data that are consistent with the aims of their processing; consistency of the processed data content and volume with the declared aims of processing; inadmissibility of processing personal data, excessive in relation to the declared aims of its processing; ensuring accuracy, sufficiency and actuality of personal data in relation to the aims of processing personal data; destroying or defacing personal data after reaching the aims of its processing or in the case of the loss of necessity of reaching those aims, at the incapability of the Operator to remove the allowed violation of personal data.

2.2. The Operator shall carry out the processing of personal data at the existence of at least one of the following conditions: the processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data on the processing of his/her personal data; the processing of personal data is necessary for the attainment of aims envisaged under the international agreement of the Russian Federation or the law for carrying out and fulfilment of functions, authorities and obligations granted to the operator by the laws of the Russian Federation; processing of personal data is necessary for carrying out justice, execution of the court act, act of another institution or an official, subject to execution pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings; processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of the agreement the party to which or beneficiary or warranter is the subject of personal data, as well as for the purpose of concluding the agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or the agreement pursuant to which the subject of personal data shall be beneficiary or warranter; processing of personal data is necessary for carrying out the rights and lawful interests of the operator or third parties or for the attainment of aims of public significance with the conditions where the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated; processing of personal data is carried out, access to which for the unlimited circle of persons is granted by the subject of personal rights or upon its request (hereinafter – publicly accessible personal data); processing of personal data is carried out that are subject to publication or mandatory disclosure pursuant to the Federal law.

2.3. The Operator and other persons having gained access to personal data shall be obliged not to disclose to third persons and not to disseminate personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data unless otherwise stipulated by the Federal law.

2.4. For the purpose of informational provision at the Operator’s publicly accessible sources of personal data of the subjects of personal data may be created, including references and address books. In the publicly accessible sources of personal data with the written consent from the subject of personal data may be included his/her family name, first name, father’s name, date, and place of birth, position, numbers of contact phones, email address, and other personal data, provided by the subject of personal data.

2.5. Information about the subject of personal data shall be at all times excluded from the publicly accessible sources of personal information upon the request of the subject of personal data, a designated institution for the protection of the rights of the subjects of personal data, or by the decision of the court.

2.6. The Operator shall be entitled to delegate the processing of personal data to another person with the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by the Federal law, on the basis of the agreement to be concluded with that person. The person carrying out the processing of personal data upon the designation from the Operator shall comply with the principles and rules for processing personal data.


3.1. The subject of personal data shall take the decision on the provision of his/her personal data and shall consent to its processing freely, consciously, and in his/her own interest. The consent to process personal information may be given by the subject of personal data or his/her representative in any form allowing for the attestation of its receipt.

3.2. The subject of personal data shall have the right to obtain from the Operator the information related to the processing of his/her personal data unless such right is limited by Federal law. The subject of personal data shall be entitled to request from the Operator to further define his/her personal data, its blockage or destruction in case personal data are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, unlawfully obtained, or unnecessary for the declared aim of processing, as well as undertake the measures envisaged by the law for the protection of his/her rights.

3.3. It shall be prohibited to take, on the basis of discretionally automated processing of personal data, decisions generating legal consequences in relation to the subject of personal data or interfering with his/her lawful rights and interests by any other means, excluding the cases envisaged under Federal laws or at the existence of the written consent of the subject of personal rights.


4.1. The security of the personal data processed by the Operator shall be ensured with the means of the realization of legal, organizational, and technical measures, necessary for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal laws in the area of the protection of personal rights.

4.2. For the purpose of preventing unsanctioned access to personal data by the Operator, the following organizational-technical measures shall be undertaken: designation of officials responsible for the organization of processing and protection of personal data; limiting the circle of persons with access to processing personal data; familiarizing of the subjects with the requirements of the Federal laws and normative documentation of the Operator concerning processing and protection of personal data; organization of the record, storage and handling of carriers containing information with personal data; elaboration of the security system for the protection of personal data on the basis of the threat models; checking the readiness and effectiveness of the use of the means for the protection of information; delineation of the user’s access to the information resources and software-hardware means of processing information; registration and record of the actions of the users of personal data information systems; using antivirus means and means for the restoration of the protection system of personal data; using when necessary, the means of inter network screening, identification of intrusions, analysis of protection and means for the cryptographic protection of information; organization of the access regime on the territory of the Operator, security of the premises with the technical means of processing personal data.


5.1. Other rights and obligations of the Operator in connection with the processing of personal data shall be defined by the law of the United Arab Emirates in the area of personal data.